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Find out more about microchipping

At Alma Veterinary Hospital we strongly recommend that your pet is microchipped as this is the most reliable form of identification.

As of 6th April 2016 it became compulsory to microchip your dog. Puppies must be microchipped by 8 weeks of age. It is also compulsory by law that your pets wear a collar with an identity tag with your contact details in a public place.

Please see the Gov website for all the details.

A microchip is a small chip, similar in size to a grain of rice that is implanted under the animals skin.

Each microchip contains its own unique barcode number which appears when scanned by a specially designed microchip reader. All police, vets, animal charities and rescue centers have microchip scanners which therefore maximises the chance of the animal being reunited with its owners as each stray animal should be scanned.

The owner details for the microchips are held on a national database which only organisations owning a scanner are able to obtain, therefore reuniting owner and pet.

For the microchip to remain the most reliable source of identification it is imperative that owners simply update any contact details held on the database.

This is also a requirement for the Pets Travel Scheme. For more information regarding microchipping or to book an appointment please call the surgery on 01753 858893.

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