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Vaccinations & Parasites

Keeping your pet protected


Vaccination is a very important part of your pet's health care. At Alma Veterinary Hospital we routinely vaccinate cats, dogs and rabbits against several potentially fatal diseases.


The list below shows which diseases the routine vaccinations cover and how frequently your pet should have a vaccination once their primary course is complete. Your pet is at high risk of contracting one of the diseases if they are not covered.


Feline Herpes Virus, Feline Calicivirus - Annually

Panleucopenia Virus, Feline Leukaemia Virus - Every 3rd Year


Leptospirosis - Annually

Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza - Every 3rd Year


Myxomatosis - 6-12 Months

Viral Haemorrhagic Disease - Annually

Primary Vaccinations

For cats and dogs a primary vaccination course must be administered before annual boosters can be given. The ages at which this should be done are:

Cats: The primary course can be started at 9 weeks of age and consists of two sets of injections 3-4 weeks apart.

Dogs: The primary course can be started at 8 weeks of age and consists of 3 sets of injections 2-4 weeks apart. Please note your puppy must be at least 10 weeks old at the time of the second injection. The first injection will be administered at 8 weeks, second at 10 weeks and the final vaccination at 12 weeks.

Rabbits: Rabbits can have their first dose of myxomatosis vaccine and the VHD1 vaccine together from 5 weeks old. These vaccines are given annually.

We offer free puppy and kitten clinics with one of our nurses for each new puppy or kitten that comes to the hospital. This includes a free kitten or puppy pack.

We also offer:

Kennel cough vaccination for dogs which is highly recommended. This can be given from 3 weeks of age and should be boosted annually. Boarding kennels will not usually accept dogs which have not had this vaccination. Please note that this vaccine covers the most severe strains of kennel cough, but not all of them.

Rabies vaccination for clients wishing to register their pets with the Pets travel scheme. Please see our Pets travel scheme information page.

At the time of routine vaccination your pet will receive a full annual health check.

Parasite Control

Fleas, Worms & Ticks

At Alma Veterinary Hospital we recommend that flea, worm and tick treatments are administered regularly to your pet to prevent infestations occurring. Flea, worm and tick infestations can have a very negative impact on you and your pet's health as well as your home environment.

  • Fleas - Flea infestations in the home can be very difficult to eliminate and quite often this will take a long period of time to get on top of. Your pet can pick up fleas from the environment and from other animals. Fleas can cause health problems to both you and your pet, such as skin rashes and irritation caused by the flea bites and saliva. Fleas are also a host in the tapeworm life-cycle so regular flea treatment can also help prevent infestation from these specific worms.
  • Worms - Worm infestations cause health problems such as poor skin and coat, increased appetite, weight loss, coughing and bloated abdomen. There are also serious human health risks associated with some worms that can lead to blindness in children. As well as regular worm treatment for dogs, cats and rabbits it is also very important if you are a dog owner to clear up your dog's faeces immediately. There are several different types of worm so it is important to use a broad spectrum wormer.
  • Lungworm - Lungworm is contracted by your dog ingesting slugs and snails and/or the trails they leave behind. If your dog drinks out of puddles which are potentially contaminated with slug/snail trails, they are at risk. Lungworm can be fatal but can also be easily prevented with routine monthly treatments. We can provide a couple of different monthly lungworm treatment options to suit you and your dog's individual needs.
  • Ticks - Ticks can transmit Lyme's Disease which in severe cases can be fatal in dogs. It is very important to treat your pet to prevent this growing risk within the UK. Preventative treatment is highly recommended as the tick population in our area is high. Ticks are particularly prevalent in woodland areas and where livestock and wildlife reside.

It is very important to begin the parasite treatment regime as early as possible. If you are getting a new puppy or kitten, we would recommend finding out details of treatments and dates they were administered by your pet's breeder.

To prevent the risks posed by parasites it is important that treatments are administered regularly throughout your pet's lifetime. We have a range of products available to suit you and your pets individual requirements. We are able to supply these treatments for pets who have had their annual health checks with a Veterinary Surgeon. For those pets new to the practice or for pets not seen for regular health checks we offer a free flea and worm check with a vet. We also provide free nurse clinics for our registered clients and their pets to discuss different treatment options.

Many products available from pet shops and supermarkets have limited efficacy as these outlets are not licensed to sell veterinary prescription only medications.

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